As you know, you will soon undergo an operation called breast/excisional biopsy due to your disease. Your doctor will discuss with you before this intervention and will inform you about the course of the intervention, its different forms and risks, and at the end of this, it will be appropriate for you to decide on your treatment with your free will. This form has been prepared to assist you in preparing for your interview with the physician. This procedure will be performed by the General Surgery Specialist and assistant doctors. The estimated time for this process is 25-30 minutes. What you need to know about your disease: Breast; It is located in front of both chest walls. They are organs responsible for milk production, which develops after puberty in women and provides nutrition to the baby after birth. Armpit lymph nodes; These are the lymph nodes where the lymph circulation in the breast goes first after the breast. Removal of the suspicious mass detected in your breast or armpit by examination or as a result of radiological examinations is called breast biopsy. Sometimes, because this mass is quite small, a wire must be placed in this mass in the Radiology department before the operation and sent to the operating room. What can happen if no intervention is made?: If your disease is not intervened, it will not be possible to clarify what the mass in your breast is. What kind of treatment/intervention will be applied: Various anesthesia techniques can be used during your operation. One of them is general anesthesia, which means you will not be awake during the operation. In addition, your operation can be performed by anesthetizing the operation area by injection to remove only the diseased area and, if necessary, adding sleep-inducing drugs to it. You should decide which of these methods to use by talking to your surgeon. During the operation, the surgeon will try to find and remove the suspicious mass. If the mass is marked with a wire before the operation, the area where the tip of this wire is located will be removed and sent for pathological examination. If necessary, the biopsy area can be expanded or repeated depending on the result. The operation is usually performed by making an incision in the area where the mass is. Your surgery will be performed by a surgeon experienced in breast surgery. Available Alternative Methods: The alternative to surgery is to decide not to have surgery.
Serious or Frequent Risks:
Surgical scar: The surgical incision of the suspicious mass under the breast or armpit is often made to follow a skin fold. It usually heals by leaving a thin line or almost completely, but in some people, a scar that is thicker and more raised than a normal scar may remain. This is rare, but please inform the surgical team if you have any other previous scars like this on your body.
Other Problems: After each operation, problems such as infection, bleeding, etc. may occur.
Rarely, there is a risk of organ failure or death. We would like to emphasize that these potential side effects and problems are extremely rare. However, we believe that it is best to inform you rather than to develop such a problem without warning you. The patient’s procedure, time, side effects, success rate and what is meant by success, Questions about post-intervention: You can decide the time of your operation by talking to your surgeon. Surgical removal of the suspicious mass in the breast or armpit aims to remove the suspicious mass and perform its pathological examination. Your surgeon and/or medical doctor will discuss with you why you were referred for this surgery and their expectations regarding your complaints. The points that the patient should pay attention to before the intervention:
We can ask you about the details of your medical history here or at the clinic where you will be hospitalized, and we can perform the necessary clinical examinations and tests. This is a good opportunity for you to ask us any questions about the operation. Even if you are an outpatient or an inpatient; please feel comfortable to discuss any issues you have with the current staff.
You should not have any jewelry on you during the operation. For this reason, it is ideal not to have such items on you when you come to the clinic for hospitalization. In addition, if you have dentures, you must remove them on the way to the operating room.
It would be beneficial for your doctor to know all the medications you used and your co-morbidities before the surgery. For this reason, we will ask if you have taken any tablets or other types of treatment. They may have been prescribed by a doctor or purchased from a health-food store. It helps us to bring detailed information about anything you take (especially bring medicine boxes with you). Remember that aspirin-type pain relievers should be discontinued before surgery. Most of the drugs that are used continuously can be used even on the day of surgery. However, you should discuss this with your doctor.
This operation may require the use of general anesthesia. Therefore, you will need to be evaluated by an anesthesiologist before the operation. Detailed information about anesthesia is also given.  It is recommended to fast for 6 hours before such operations. However, this time may vary, so you can consult your surgeon.
Most of the cases are discharged on the same day or the next day after surgery. Sometimes you may need to stay in the hospital longer than usual. Your doctor; He will discuss this with you before you decide on the operation. What are the benefits of this process?
It ensures the complete removal of the mass present in the patient and the finalization of the pathological diagnosis. What are the consequences of not doing this?
A definite diagnosis of the present mass may not be made.
Needle biopsy or tru-cut biopsy Points that the patient should pay attention to after the intervention: You will wake up in the recovery room after the operation. You may have an oxygen mask on your face to help with your breathing. You may also wake up feeling sleepy.
After this operation, most patients will have a small plastic tube (cannula) in one of the veins in their arm. This may be attached to a fluid bag that supplies your body with fluid until it can feed on its own.
➢ While in the recovery room, a nurse will regularly check your heart rate and blood pressure. You will be taken to the clinic when you are well enough to be moved.
Sometimes people may feel uncomfortable and vomit after general anesthesia. If you feel discomfort, please inform your nurse, medication will be provided to make you more comfortable. When you start feeding orally, you will be given painkillers that your doctor will recommend. Using these drugs for a few more days will make you feel comfortable.
Eating and Drinking: Although it depends on the type of anesthesia to be used and the extent of the operation, you can usually start feeding with liquid foods after 2-6 hours. However, do not do this without consulting a doctor or nurse. How quickly you return to a normal diet will depend on how you feel. Most patients regain their appetite very quickly.
Moving and Walking: After this operation; You will try to act as soon as possible to prevent problems that may occur due to lying down.
When will you leave the hospital: The length of your stay in the hospital; how fast you will recover after the operation, It depends on the type of operation and your doctor’s opinion. Most cases are discharged the same day or the next day. Rarely, it may be necessary to lie down longer. When can you resume normal activities including work: You can usually start light work in 1-2 weeks, but you may need to wait a little longer before continuing with more intense activities. You can drive when you feel comfortable with yourself and your neck movements.
Controls and Results: You will be given the date you will come to the clinic for the results of your surgery. If further treatment is recommended, this will be discussed with you. Patient Consent: I have read and informed the above information. I was informed about the purpose of the intervention, risks, complications and additional treatment attempts. I am signing this form consciously, without any additional explanation, without any pressure.
(Only for female patients) If I am pregnant, I have been informed that my unborn child carries a risk during examination/medical intervention/treatment/surgery and anesthesia procedures, primarily radiological procedures. I do not have a missed period or pregnancy.
I was given the above detailed information about my disease and the planned intervention, and the possible complications and risks were fully explained. I was informed that if these develop, treatments, including surgery, may be required, but in some cases, complete cure or recovery cannot be achieved. I accept the implementation of the above-mentioned intervention and other additional interventions that may be required as a medical necessity during the this section;
The statement “I READ, I UNDERSTOOD, I GOT A COPY” written in the patient’s or Legal Representative’s own handwriting will be written..……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………
Date of Consent:……………………………Time :………………………………………………
Patient’s (guardian or guardian for restricted and minors) Name and surname:……………………………
Title, Name and Surname of the Physician Receiving Consent:…………………………………………………..
Name Surname Title:……………………………………………………………………..

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