As a result of the examinations and tests done to me ……………………. my doctors who diagnosed ………………………… for my treatment. They recommended thyroidectomy surgery. During this surgery, it was said that the planned part of the thyroid gland would be removed. They told me about the necessity of surgery and the problems that could develop if I did not get treatment. It was explained that this operation would be performed by the team of ……………………………… and the procedure would take approximately ………………hrs/minutes. The following risks and possible dangers related to this surgery were explained to me:
1. As with any surgery, complications of anesthesia (unexpected situation) may occur. The type of anesthesia to be applied in the surgery and its complications will be explained by the anesthesia clinic team.
2. The shape and size of the surgical incision are determined appropriately by the surgical team.
3. Antibiotics can be administered against possible infections, but it is medically impossible for this application to reduce the risk of infection to zero. These infections can develop in the wound, lungs and respiratory tract, urinary tract. In some cases, they may require reoperation or various surgical interventions. Despite intervention and antibiotic treatment, there is a risk that the infection will spread and cause death.
4. Clots that may form in the deep vein system during and after surgery may break off from there and cause vascular occlusion in various organs, especially in the lungs. In order to prevent this situation, measures will be taken according to the risk group. However, a method that will eliminate this risk 100% is not yet known in medicine. This is a very serious condition and there is a risk of death.
5. There may be internal or external bleeding during or after the operation. Accordingly, the patient may need to be given blood and blood products. . This increases the risk of blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. Transplantation of blood and blood products has its own risks of complications and death.
6. Due to bleeding, it may be necessary to re-operate the patient in the postoperative period for bleeding control.
7. Temporary or permanent hoarseness or changes in tone of voice may develop as a result of damage to the nerves leading to the vocal cords during surgery. If shortness of breath develops due to paralysis of the vocal cords, it may be necessary to temporarily open the airway with a tube to the skin of the neck (tracheostomy). Permanent respiratory distress may occur after tracheostomy is terminated.
8. During the surgery, there may be injuries in organs such as the trachea, esophagus, main vessels, lungs and membrane. In this case, additional interventions may be required. There is a risk of death depending on the extent of the injury.
9. During surgery, it is possible to remove the parathyroid glands, which regulate the calcium balance, together with the thyroid gland, or to disrupt the vascular nutrition. In this case, temporary or permanent calcium deficiency and related complaints may develop. If this complication occurs at a low rate, it may be necessary to use calcium and/or vitamin D for life.
10. Temporary calcium deficiency may develop after surgery. Intravenous or oral calcium may be required for a few weeks.
11. It may be that the scar is obvious and this creates a cosmetic problem.
12. Due to the removal of all or most of the thyroid gland, he needs to use oral thyroid hormone for life. If the patient does not comply with the recommended treatment, life-threatening findings due to low thyroid hormone may develop.
13. If the removed mass is malignant, the tumor may be present during the surgery, and the distant organ splashes that are too small to be detected by the diagnostic methods used by medical science today may grow over time and cause the death of the patient. Where the tumor was removed during surgery, Tumor fragments that are too small to be detected visually or manually can grow even long after surgery, causing regional recurrence of the disease and death of the patient.
14. Secondary surgical interventions may be required if a malignant tumor is found in the examination of the tissue removed during surgery in the pathology laboratory.
15. If the removed mass is found to be malignant, it may be decided that some additional treatments such as radioactive iodine, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy will be beneficial, after examining the tumor in the pathology laboratory, as it may reduce the possibility of regional recurrence and distant spread of the disease. If the patient accepts the application of these additional treatments, possible complications and risks related to these treatments, nuclear medicine practitioner, It is the responsibility of radiation oncology and medical oncology teams, and extensive information about them will be given by the relevant branch physicians before the treatment.
16. In case of additional disease or drug use, necessary measures are taken to ensure the safety of surgery. Despite this, unexpected situations may occur during and after the surgery.
(Only for female patients) If I am pregnant, I have been informed that my unborn child carries a risk during examination/medical intervention/treatment/surgery and anesthesia procedures, primarily radiological procedures. I do not have a missed period or pregnancy.
I was given the above detailed information about my disease and the planned intervention, and the possible complications and risks were fully explained. I was informed that if these develop, treatments, including surgery, may be required, but in some cases, complete cure or recovery cannot be achieved. I accept the implementation of the above-mentioned intervention and other additional interventions that may be required as a medical necessity during the intervention.
to this section;
The statement “I READ, I UNDERSTOOD, I GOT A COPY” written in the patient’s or Legal Representative’s own handwriting will be written..……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………
Date of Consent:……………………………
Time :………………………………………………
Patient’s (guardian or guardian for restricted and minors) Name and surname:……………………………
Title, Name and Surname of the Physician Receiving Consent:…………………………………………………..
Name Surname Title:……………………………………………………………………..

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