Breasts formed as a result of swelling of the venous structures in the anus and lower rectum are called hemorrhoidal disease. Three out of every four people in the community receive this diagnosis at some point in their life. There could be many reasons. The main reason is the increase in venous pressure in this region. The incidence increases in conditions such as pregnancy and constipation that cause pressure increase. There may be complaints of itching, discomfort and bleeding in the anal area. Those that settle in the rectum are called internal hemorrhoidal disease, those that develop around the anus are called external hemorrhoidal disease. It is not dangerous, but it can be extremely painful and bleeding.
Anemia may develop due to bleeding.
Gangrene may occur due to suffocation of the hemorrhoidal pouch.
Conditions to avoid:
Excessive straining
Chronic diarrhea
Low fiber diet
Diagnosis: Anal region should be examined by a general surgeon. The most important thing is to differentiate the complaints from colon cancer. Rectoscopy or colonoscopy should be planned if necessary for complaints that do not improve with daily measures. Even if there is no suspicion of cancer in individuals over the age of 45, screening colonoscopy should be considered.
Treatment: The most important thing is to eliminate the causes. Normal defecation pattern should be established in a way to prevent the factors that cause hemorrhoidal disease. Foods that will soften stool should be preferred. Avoiding excessive straining and manual intervention will reduce complaints.
Laxative syrups to soften stool
Topical ointments and suppositories to reduce anal pain, itching and edema
Hot sitz bath, 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes
Daily shower and bath and anal area should be kept clean,
Wet but alcohol-free/perfumed-free wipes should be preferred instead of dry toilet paper
Cold application to reduce swelling
Paracetamol or ibuprofen derivatives to reduce pain
These measures are sufficient If not, surgery is performed.
Minimal surgical interventions:
If external hemorrhoids become gangrene, they are emptied. It is recommended to be performed in the first 72 hours.
Minimal surgical interventions are recommended for painful and bleeding hemorrhoids:
Tape technique; The blood circulation of the hemorrhoidal pouch is cut off. The swollen hemorrhoids pack will fade spontaneously.
Sclerotherapy; It is provided that the hemorrhoid pack is deflated by injecting a chemical medium into it.
Laser coagulation; It provides shrinkage of the hemorrhoidal pouch.
Surgical:All enlarged, swollen and bleeding pouches that cause hemorrhoidal disease are surgically removed.

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